Use "Together-Help"
Team up with a friend, family member, or colleague to support and hold each other accountable

Apply the Signature Formula
Learn about how to apply the 8 core components of CoJourn that are key to a successful and sustainable experience

Set Your Path
Set a Guiding Theme to stay focused on the most important things to you this year

Set Weekly Milestones
Choose realistic goals and intentions each week to help you stay on the path you set for yourself

Structure the Meetings
Use our simple structure to ensure sustainable and focused meetings with your partner each week
CoJourn is a personal growth and goal achievement program that trains pairs of people to partner up for more external accountability, connection, and support as they go after their big goals and dreams. The program helps you finally prioritize what matters most to you, while connecting with a partner you choose for mutual support and accountability.
What is CoJourn?
Hear how it all works, and what you'll find within the CoJourn book
What is CoJourn to You?
Hear from participants what CoJourn has meant to them

"It's magic!"
If you are really looking for a tool to get things done and to stay committed to yourself and your intentions, this is awesome. This is definitely IT. It helps manifest your goals into reality…and I just want to make sure I got that magic part in. It’s magic!!

The furthest reaching and enjoyable experience"
I deepened a friendship with my CoJourn Partner and have experienced a level of genuine trust that seems rare to find in adult friendships. My CoJourn partner and I have seen one another in vulnerable places and helped each other attain our goals.
I have engaged a number of 'resolutions' in my lifetime to varying degrees of success. CoJourn was by far the furthest reaching and enjoyable experience I have undertaken in order to create a shift in my habits, outlook and perspective.

"I walk away feeling heard and held"
I'm proud and delighted to say that we have consistently met our weekly date since we have started. It is a highlight of my day and week…Throughout it all I have gained many, many things: much greater intimacy with a woman I adore, I walk away feeling heard and held, I have the privilege of hearing and holding another human in her process, and I have made progress towards my yearly intention.
How does it work?Partner with another person in your life to be your support and accountability buddy Learn all about how to apply the foundations of CoJourn for more follow-through and connection: Option 1: buy the book and embark on your own self-guided journey, following the steps laid out Option 2: join the CoJourn membership program for a more guided journey with supplemental materials, videos, and access to one-on-one support from the CoJourn team See more info here: Set an Intention you want to work on for a sustained period of time (3 month, 6 month or 1 year program options) Using our formula and program structure, check in with your CoJourn partner for 30 minutes each week. Record goals for one another, offering each other compassionate, non-judgmental support along the way!
What would I get out of it?Close to fifty interviews with past CoJourn participants reveal numerous benefits of the program, both related to follow-through on goals, and also building a closer relationship with someone else. A few repeatedly mentioned benefits include: Sustained focus and follow-through on something you want in your life The benefit of slowing down and taking time for weekly reflection A closer relationship with another person who knows about your life The gift of learning from the struggles and successes of your partner! (among many others! READ MORE)
Who is the program for?The program is for anyone who feels like they could use some more follow-through, purpose, accountability and / or personal connection in their lives. Self-help devotees Entrepreneurs Artists Academics Students Recent Divorcees Retirees Participating in CoJourn can be especially helpful for people going through times of life transition who would like increased connection and support through the process. This program is also for people looking for increased happiness! A recent groundbreaking research study has found that the #1 predictor of happiness over a lifetime is having a close, positive relationship with vulnerability and depth in which you can be seen who you truly are, and truly see another. This is exactly the type of relationship that is cultivated by participating in CoJourn. Read more about the study HERE
How do I get started?Easy...just follow these steps: Find a partner - Click Here to check out our Choosing a Partner page Click Here to find the level of instruction you prefer, whether on your own, through print tools or through guided cohort-based or organizational programs
What does it cost?One of our missions for this program is to provide a tool accessible to all to help with follow through on a single life direction for a significant period of time (3-12 months typically), which was one of the main driving forces to outline everything you need to get started in the CoJourn book. So the easiest and most affordable option is to read the book and apply the concepts, while other more guided methods include cohort-based and larger workshop options for groups and organizations. You can learn more about the different pricing options HERE And if you find you are unable to pay any amount, please get in touch with us at for scholarship options.
For questions or comments, please connect with us today.